Southwest Performing Arts Presenters
Southwest Performing Arts Presenters (SWPAP) is a consortium of presenting organizations in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Member organizations range from very small presenting groups in local communities to university and municipal presenters mounting full seasons of events including traditional and modern music, dance, theater, musical theater, opera, family presentations, children’s events, mime and Broadway shows.


We provide assistance to member organizations. To accomplish this, we share experiences, learn from one another, create a network for booking events and arrange educational workshops which are open to all member organizations.
SWPAP meetings, and the lively discussions that go on through the organization’s listserv, provide members with an opportunity to ask questions, seek advice and share experience and expertise with colleagues. There are member organizations of all sizes and histories, and it is a hallmark of SWPAP that members are willing and eager to assist their fellow presenters and share information.

SWPAP meets three times a year:
- January at the Association of Performing Arts Presenters booking conference in New York
- May/June at our annual educational workshop hosted by a SWPAP member
- September at the Arts Midwest Conference

The governing board is elected by the membership. A chair, vice-chair, a treasurer and a secretary are elected from the governing committee. All actions proposed by the governing board are brought to the membership for a vote.
Currently serving on the governing board are:
Glenn Barnhart
Memorial City Hall
Performance Center
Marshall, TX
Chris Melohn
The Grand 1894 Opera House
Galveston, Tx
Curt Owens
Walton Arts Center
Fayetteville, AR
Renee Robison
Grand Prairie Center PCCUA
Stuttgart, AR
Lynae Sanford
Lutcher Theater
Orange, Tx
Executive Committee
Glenn Barnhart
Memorial City Hall
Performance Center
Marshal, TX
Maureen Patton
The Grand 1894
Opera House
Galveson, TX
Renee Robinson
Grand Prairie Center
Stuttgart, AR
Nicole Leachman
Reynolds Performance Hall
University of Central Arkansas
Conway, AR
Jenifer Hill
The Strand Theatre
Shreveport, LA
Chris Aucoin-Melohn
The Grand 1894
Opera House
Galveson, TX
Vorin Dornan
The Clarion at Brazosport College
Lake Jackson, Tx
Amanda Horton
University of Central Arkansas
Conway, AR
All members must be not-for-profit or tax-exempt organizations and have the following responsibilities and privileges:
Active members
- Must be a presenting organization. (A presenting organization is defined as an organization that contracts, markets and accepts financial risk for an arts presentation that is not self-produced.)
- Must have at least one authorized person with decision-making power able to commit to a booking.
- Must have an active, professional presenting program.
- Must abide by Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP) Code of Conduct for presenting organizations.
- Must be actively involved in the corporation.
- Must pay annual dues as determined by the Governing Committee.
- Shall be entitled to one vote on all matters brought before the membership. Only active members are entitled to vote.

Membership dues are based on the amount of artist fees paid annually by the organization. The membership dues cover one year of membership. The SWPAP fiscal year is January – December.
$49,999 & Below
$75 Dues
$50,000 to $149,999
$100 Dues
$150,000 & Over
$200 Dues