Here are a few more details on our upcoming meeting in San Antonio.
Sunday is the Tony Party, and the broadcast starts at 7 p.m. There will be prizes and ballots, but in true “the how must go on” fashion, we haven’t nailed down an affordable location yet. STAY TUNED. I’ll send an update to the list serve and if you have a question, call my cell at 214-878-5598.
Monday, June 12, 2023
8:45 am – Hotel Pick-up and transport to Carver (meet in the lobby at 8:45 to arrange carpooling and transport. Carver has a 15-passenger van and the rest of us can carpool or the van can make two trips)
If you are driving a personal vehicle, please park behind the Main Carver building off Center Street. The campus is at the corner of Hackberry and Center and we are meeting in the little Carver black box, not the Main building.
9:00 am – Breakfast
9:30 am – Welcome & Intros
10:00 am – Session #1 – Membership vs. Subscription (Lee Strickland and Cody Bowen)
11:00 am – Session #2 – CAUSA & Funding Philanthropy Roundtable featuring San Antonio area funders and foundation execs and a conversation about a San Antonio arts leadership collaborative (CAUSA) founded during Covid and the benefits garnered and lessons shared by from the members.
12:00 pm – Lunch
1:00 pm – Tour of Carver
1:30 pm – SWPAP Members Consensus Workshop– How to prepare your facility for and normalize performances for persons with autism spectrum disorders? Through group participation, this facilitated conversation will reveal ways to making physical and other accommodations to welcome those on the spectrum to our facility and performances. Facilitated by Todd Hawkins (he’s trained in the Technology of Participation Facilitation Method by the Institute of Cultural Affairs)
3:30 pm – Tour of Majestic or The Espee
4:30 pm – Transport back to hotel
6:00 pm (?) – Dine-arounds (we will discuss options at lunch)
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
8:30 am – Hotel pick-up and transport to Carver
8:40 am – Breakfast
9:00 am – Keynote – Nolen Bivens, CEO Americans for the Arts
10:00 am – SWPAP Membership Meeting & Closing Exercise
12:00 pm – Wrap-up